This is all so confusing to me. We live in the NY/NJ/CT area but am willing to travel elsewhere for one last DE cycle. What is the best clinic for DE with a good lab? It sounds like SDNY, ORM, CCRM are tops?
What about SIRM? The attractive thing about SIRM is that they have clinics all over the country so may cut down on travel costs (or maybe not)?
I am not interested in Cornell b/c I waited 1 year for a donor there and then when I cycled with her, she only produced 7 embryos which were of worse quality than embryos I produced with my old eggs. My RE at Cornell apologized profusely for that outcome.
My background: I am 45. I have used about 5 donors and nothing worked. Once I did get to 8 weeks but M/C and another time a chemical pregnancy. My husband's sperm is fine as we did the FSH/PGD test on a sample of his sperm. Plus we did SCSA on his sperm. We are chosing to do PGD b/c of a genetic problem on my husband's side.
I appreciate any advice on where to do that very last DE cycle (with PGD). thanks